Tag Archives: prepare
National Emergency Preparedness Month:Water part 1.

National Emergency Preparedness Month:Water part 1.

Clean water is the most important emergency supply. Keep a pocket water filter straw in your bug out bags, they will filter 20-25 gallons of water…..

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Earthquakes Hit China: 80 Dead

earthquakes have hit south-west China, leaving at least 20 people dead and damaging more than 20,000 houses….

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Saving Money on Shelf Stable Foods: Food Life

Saving Money on Shelf Stable Foods: Food Life

In an emergency or disaster that blocks traffic, most grocery stores will be emptied out in three hours. The solution is to create your own food store in your home with an efficient shelving system and a great supply of shelf stable foods. I have eaten dehydrated foods, MRE (Meals Ready to Eat), LRP’s (Long Range Patrol freeze dried rations), canned, dried, salted, and…..

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