Paralyzed Man Walks Again: Thanks to LIFESUIT prototype 12 publications. As a non profit medical research company we do the research and publish so science can advance.
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This Israeli company used our research to build a machine that could sell for $150k- $100k They Shall Walk will give it away if you become a sponsor. They Shall Walk .org will give the gift of walking. Watch the video of the ReWalk LIFESUIT
When I began this work back in 1987 no one believed it could be real. Even the ‘Hardyman’ team from the 1960’s believed it could not be done. I had vision. I thank God for the vision and the faith he gave me to believe I could make it real with help from others like you. I knew, simple logic told me tech would get smaller and more efficient.
In 2005 I climbed into LIFESUIT robotic exoskeleton prototype number twelve (LS12) and walked in the Saint Patrick’s Day Dash over three miles. The LIFESUIT chugged along at 2.5 mph. There was very little media coverage and many people have just forgotten about it all together. It is very strange how short sighted many people can be to forget about this amazing world record that was set. It was actually more than one record. At the time other exoskeletons existed. They Shall Walk extended an invitation to the leaders in the research to compete in the Saint Pat’s Dash and no one showed up. SARCOS, Berkely, HAL (in Japan) and Yobotics from MIT were all invited but no one showed. Many were busy spending the $5 million grants they had to develop the LIFESUIT robotic exoskeletons.
It will be interesting to see what kind of : Land Speed the Rewalk can perform
It will be great to see what kind of : Land distance the Rewalk can complete in a day.
One day the NY Marathon, the Boston Marathon and the Seattle Saint Pat’s Dash will all have to deal with people wearing LIFESUIT robotic exoskeletons. One day they will win and if they are disqualified it will be a day of great controversy. I look forward to that day when some quadriplegics will be able to compete in these events.
They Shall Walk . org and the LIFESUIT prototype LS12 set a world record for walking in a robotic suit:
Land Speed Record 2.5 mph
Land Distance Record 3.4 miles in 90 minutes.
High Jump of twelve inches.
None of the other LIFESUIT robotic exoskeletons showed up and since the March 2005 event there has been no other LIFESUIT robotic exoskeleton or powered brace that has even attempted to challenge the records. Guinness book of world records informed us that we did qualify and for as little as $700 we could get published. At the time when I put out the word there were no sponsors or donors interested in sponsoring the world record. If you are interested it is still possible for us to get it recorded and into the Guinness system. I think the cost has gone up to $900. Let me know and I will confirm if you are interested in sponsoring the record.
Because of the work we have done with your support other companies have been able to advance the industry.
It is interesting that the ‘inventor’ of the rewalk is a quad like the man who created the industry, Monty K Reed. Amit Goffer chooses to not try his invention because it is not ready for quads, yet the LIFESUIT robotic exoskeleton was designed for quads like him.
- ReWalk LIFESUIT robotic exoskeleton
- ReWalk LIFESUIT robotic exoskeleton on stairs
The stories say he “came up with it in his garage”. Maybe he did actually hear from God as the LIFESUIT inventor, Monty K Reed did. Monty K Reed gives God the credit for his invention.
Excerpt from story… click here for the rest of the story
“Robotic Legs Allow Paraplegics To Walk” August 2008 on
Amit Goffer, who was paralyed in a 1997 accident, has invented ReWalk, which gives paraplegics the chance to walk again. Unfortunately, Goffer can’t use the system himself, as it requires the use of your arms, which he doesn’t have full use of.
The system, which requires crutches to help with balance, consists of motorized leg supports, body sensors and a back pack containing a computerized control box and rechargeable batteries.
The user picks a setting with a remote control wrist band — stand, sit, walk, descend or climb — and then leans forward, activating the body sensors and setting the robotic legs in motion.“It raises people out of their wheelchair and lets them stand up straight,” Goffer said. “It’s not just about health, it’s also about dignity.”
Damn, that’s probably the awesomest thing I’ve heard all day. Good looking, Goffer. I just hope these things don’t fall into the hands of the non-paralyzed, lest they build a superhuman army.
Again, awesome. Hit the jump for three more pictures, the second of which is Goffer himself.
back to my blog…
The good news for Amit Goffer is that the LIFESUIT being developed in the Seattle (Georgetown Lab) will allow him to walk. He will have to go to India to use it. The CMC (Christian Medical College) in Vellore India will be installing several of the LIFESUITs for use in rehab and clients will be able to travel to India to enjoy some wonderful curry, amazing people, great culture and the gift of walking. In India Medical Tourism is already very popular.
Monty K Reed believes, “God gives inventions to many people at the same time and then he lets free will take over” If that is true than it makes sense that Amit Goffer would have received a vision from God about this invention. Monty K Reed believes that Amit Goffer getting the idea is simply a confirmation of God’s touch on his life. There is a chance that Amit Goffer and They Shall Walk could collaborate with; SARCOS, Berkley, HAL, and REX if they could all agree that the ‘Gift of Walking’ that Rotary International is considering funding should be a gift and not a $150k- $100k device.
Regardless of what the others are planning, They Shall Walk .org is going forward with the work. Solid Works has just come on board as a sponsor withover $20k in software and support that will advance the project into the year 2015.
Monty K Reed envisions not only a rehab model but a home use device and a rescue workers model of the LIFESUIT.
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