Order Thrive Samples

You will receive a sample package of Thrive Life foods that includes: corn, yogurt, pineapple, chicken salad and a catalog. $9 each

($3.20 from each order goes to They Shall Walk to help give the gift of walking.)

You will want to watch this video when you get your package    “Open Your Party By Mail”   We will be sending you samples of Thrive Life food. You will love this NON GMO, healthy, organic, amazing food.
Eat the corn, yogurt and pineapple while the chicken salad is soaking. The chicken salad is “NO Cook Chicken Salad” because the meats are all cooked and all you need to do is add water, mix five times during a twenty minute wait and then add mayo.

This is a fund raiser for They Shall Walk and only 312500 sample packages need to be sold to give the gift of walking, so please tell your family and friends to order two samples today.  One million dollars in matching gifts are available so the $3.20 will bring in $1 million dollars and the matching gifts will bring it to $2 million. Paralyzed people everywhere will have the ability to learn to walk for FREE.

You can also make a purchase of foods from the website

or make a payment here
