Get STARTED-don’t quit
I invested my dime and bought five of those candies, and then I put a private label on it and resold them for a nickel. At age seven I started my own candy business …
I invested my dime and bought five of those candies, and then I put a private label on it and resold them for a nickel. At age seven I started my own candy business …
The new KenkoLight ™ brings the “health rays” from the sun to you on demand without the harmful effects of the sun….
Thanksgiving birthday wish for Christine Umayam: give to child united www.childunited.org charity. They are an international relief organization that empowers children through education. short link for this blog http://theyshallwalk.org/?p=336 “Our Mission is to empower the poorest children in the developing world, with the vision that promoting education to a child will lead them, their family […]
While mountain biking at the Snoqualmie Summit I felt a tingling in my left hand then the left leg and it was on a hill while I was pedaling up in the lowest gear. My body fell forward and I caught myself with the left elbow on the top of the handle bars. My right […]
Imagine, you have to list three things you are grateful for everyday starting with the letter A and doing the whole alphabet.
Blog: Bike Ride on the Shoreline Interurban Trail As part of my rehab I am trying to ride my bike every day in the way that most people would walk or run. When I woke up my right leg was hurting and the left leg was not working so well. I had an appointment with […]
This ride was great. I do not recommend it at night like I did because there are several portions of the route that are unlit. The night ride is particularly dangerous at the street crossings because of the posts that come up out of the ground.
Man it was cold this morning and the furnace was not working. Many paraplegics and quadriplegics know how cold we can get. Even though I have recovered most of my functions because I was an incomplete quad I still have painful cold spells with my left leg.
By: Monty Reed – Originally posted 9/14/2009 Re-posted October 4, 2010 Test Pilot Journey Monty Reed: Seattle VA Pain Clinic Dry Needling July 26, 2009 If this is an emergency call 911 Contact Your Doctor at the VA (Veterans Administration Medical Center) and ask for a referral to the Pain Clinic, in Seattle (206) 762-1010. […]