Dave Fagan is interested in doing a Graphic Novel for They Shall Walk. Be sure to go to his Kickstarter page and support his proposal. When that one is funded he will be able to help us.
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I met Dave at a gathering in North Seattle hosted by Brian Decker. I had a chance to share a little about They Shall Walk and the visions I had in the hospital back in 1986 that lead to the development of the LIFESUIT. After a few questions I was encouraged to share more about the trip to India and my prayer life.
Check this out.
Creature Academy: The Legacy- a steampunk graphic novel
At the end of the meeting Dave offered to help They Shall Walk with a graphic novel that could share the story. Because of the international interest, a graphic novel would be great for sharing with children as well as adults from all nations. By making a graphic version of the story a person who does not even speak (or read) English would be able to ‘read’ the story.
I shared with Dave about my experience as a young person with a learning disability and how graphic novels were a way I could learn even though I had a lot of trouble reading words. As I grew up there were a few graphic novels that were educational, but for the most part I was stuck flipping through magazines hoping to learn.
A graphic novel could serve They Shall Walk on so many levels.
The next step is to encourage people to look at the Kick Starter Proposal and help fund the next few thousand dollars that need to be funded in order for the graphic novel to be published. Kevin Hanna is a bit more well known in the graphic novel arena and is working with Dave to put the project together. After the Kickstarter project is published the They Shall Walk version will need to have sponsors.
If you are reading this you are one of the fans that may be able to help us get it done.
Think about the They Shall Walk graphic novel and how you would like to be a sponsor. You could be one of the characters in the book, you could have your product placed in it, your business could be one of the locations in the story, your drink or food could be one of the things that helps the inventor or the lab crew become inspired or empowered.